Most of the items here have no major problem, except Aristocrat Catsuit and Seeker's Suit, which can only be equipped as-is.

Note that all the special items can only be equipped at Special 1 slot. I swear, by my sword and capote, that I will once again prove victorious!! SCV Character Equipment 2 - $1.99, 160MSPĪll items in this set behaves normally, which was a relief considering the 2 previous abnormal armor set. Download Soul Calibur 3 and enter the legendary battle between good and evil Master unique fighting styles, wield powerful weapons, and determine the fate of. Feet: Absolution Solea, Justice Boots, Oathbearer's Greaves, Ruffian Boots, Soothsayer's Hose, Sorrowful Boots.Arm: Absolution Arm Gear, Outlaw Gloves, Ruffian Gloves, Soothsayer's Sleeves, Sorrowful Gloves.Neck and Back: Absolution Choker, Soothsayer's Hood.Lower Body: Absolution Hip Togi, Justice Trousers, Outlaw Trousers, Ruffian Trousers, Sorrowful Skirt, Woeful Skirt.Upper Body: Absolution Body Togi, Justice Surcoat, Oathbearer's Raiment, Outlaw Wear, Soothsayer's Dress, Sorrowful Aketon, Woeful Aketon.The Soothsayer Hose comes with stocking and garter belt, and cannot be used with any Ankle item. Oathbearer's Raiment will conflict with many neck item and cannot be used with any Upper Body Covering. The Absolution Body Togi cannot be used with any undergarments, also it will increase bust size like a push-up bra. Travel through the signature 16th century stages and experience the struggle for the two legendary swords using a complete.

SoulCalibur, the game that defined weapon-based 3D fighting games is back Two decades after its first iteration, SoulCalibur VI returns to its roots while bringing brand-new gameplay features to the fight. The Ruffian Trousers comes with shoes, thus you cannot use any Feet item with it. Sharpen your swords, put on your armour and get ready to fight. SCV Character Equipment 1 - $1.99, 160MSP No, I'm not posting nekkid Voldo wearing Clown Mask.